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Controlling Dreams: I Clicked Shut down in my dreams and Woke up!!!!

It was in cognitive science class that when we were discussing about the consciousness and we tried to define it globally, that we all accepted the notion that in dreams one is unconscious but just then somebody said we can actually control our dreams. This was the time I realized that many times in my life I also a kind of controlled my dreams.
Once I was in my dreams playing counter strike not as a user on a computer but actually as a player as if a real encounter was going on. I was able to sense each and every moment of the play: from the tiredness of running to the fear of enemy. When I was about to die, I realized that this cannot be a reality and so I must control my dream and thus I clicked the shutdown button so as to wake up from nightmare. This was not the first time I controlled my dream but was so lucid that I created a virtual screen, clicked start and then shut down to come off my dream. Many a times it happens that what we ought to do for e.g. taking up medicine; we do it in dream and thereafter realize that it was happened in the dream.
I tried to think about the phenomena and how to control the dreams. I found that in dream if one is sure that it is not reality then he will be able to control it. One method which was pragmatic was to create a sign/symbol with a pen on our hand in real world to look at it more often which marks the situation is not at all a dream but when actually dreaming this sign will not be present and so one can be sure that this is not a dream. Out of last four dreams, I was able to control two with this method.
The experience is exotic, in the sense of feeling that there are two worlds for you now one which is real, where you have constrains over your potential and the other where you have no limit of your power; the world which is artistic and creative generation of your brain. This reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, Narnia and Faraway Tree.
I believe that every phenomenon has one or the other reason or significance. And so I was very keen to find out the reason behind the so called Lucid Dreams. It was exciting to find out that it helps in brain development in neonatal. Babies have about 80% REM sleep i.e. Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, reportedly in which the same number of neurons fire as during waking hours. Now if you study a new born sleeping, many times they smile and cry. At that time if he is having a lucid dream then smile means a proper control of dream whereas crying signifies inability to control it.

The concept of knowledge, feeling and thinking using consciousness during a dream has been beautifully described by the above diagrams. One can attain absolute lucidity when he is feeling the dream, thinking about it and is conscious about it.
Tibetan and Chinese cultures produced many practitioners who researched over the concept of lucid dreaming and then I thought why many civilizations/cultures stress more on dreams and their interpretations. Spiritually, this incarnation is a dream itself that means we are all in a dream and we dream in a dream. Now there is a dream which we are conscious and the other in which we are not. But if we learn how to control our dreams then we have opened another world where there is endless possibilities and everlasting powers.
So in fact the fancy world is not fancy at all; we could all turn them to reality and can so create a new world at night.


  1. it inspires me to sleep more... i will play mindjolt games in my dreams and will make highest score..

  2. try anything that you want and your dream world will start behaving like a play station.... enjoy dreaming...!!!

  3. image used as illustration is
    "Thermodynamic Horizon"


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