Everyone is surrounded by numbers or to be specific MATHS!! Pragmatically everybody has to apply mathematics concepts in one way or other. Even a small child starts his cognition by starting counting. It is so important in human world that without it one cannot think of being able to live. But wait a minute, if it is indispensable and so natural, is it really natural? Confused?? Mathematics is not at all natural in the sense that it is purely man made and cognitive or to be more specific thought process provoked ; not at all science!! I mean what is the proof that 1+1 always equals to 2 and why not 3 or any other number. Mathematics is the way we define it. It must have started with addition and then its inverse subtraction, multiplication and then division; in the same terms we can talk of more sophisticated stuffs like differentiation and integration. During the discussion in the class I realized the importance of cognition and thought process while developing something that should...